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Live Map

This guide will show you how to install connect the live_map addon. SnailyCADv4 forked an amazing script made by TGRHavoc.


You must have Discord Authentication or Steam Authentication enabled in your SnailyCAD instance.


  1. Download the latest release (
  2. Extract and place in your resources folder (resources/sna-live-map)
  3. Update your server.cfg:
set socket_port 30121 # `sna-live-map` default socket port

ensure sna-live-map
  1. Start the resource in your server.

Connecting to SnailyCADv4 without SSL

  1. Start the resource in your server.
  2. Open the CAD-Settings page and head to the Live Map tab.
  3. Find the Live map URL field and paste your copied URL.
    • http://FIVEM_SERVER_IP:PORT. Example:
  4. Open the live map via the dispatch dropdown.
  5. All done!

Connecting to SnailyCADv4 with SSL

  1. Start the resource in your server.
  2. Open the CAD-Settings page and head to the Live Map tab.
  3. Find the Live map URL field and enter the URL to your CAD Client.
    • Example:
  4. In your nginx config for the CAD Client add the following to the config with your FiveM Server IP:
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://FIVEM_SERVER_IP:30121$uri$is_args$args;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  1. Validate your nginx config nginx -t and if its successful then run nginx -s reload
  2. Now your Live Map on the CAD should update displaying players without showing any errors


  • When experiencing issues with the Live Map always review your browser console (usually F12) and check for any present errors that might suggest why the live map connection is failing.
  • Players will need their Discord ID and/or Steam ID on their CAD account to show on the live map

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