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Steam Authentication

SnailyCADv4 supports Steam authentication. In this guide, you will learn how to enable it.

Create Steam API key

If you already have an API key in the Steam developer portal, you can skip this step.

  1. head to
  2. Generate a new API key
  3. Copy the Key (these will be used later)

Update .env

Once everything is correctly setup above, we can continue.

  1. Open the .env file
  2. Add the following lines

This must be placed at the bottom of SnailyCAD's .env file

  1. Enter the copied API key from earlier
  2. Run this command in the root of the CAD: node scripts/copy-env.mjs --client --api
  3. Restart the entire CAD.
  4. Enable the feature from the CAD Settings -> Features -> Steam Oauth

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