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How to install custom fonts

In this guide you will learn how to install custom fonts for SnailyCADv4

1. Download the font

You must download your font as a .woff2 or .ttf type. These are the latest web font types.

2. Install the font

Once you've downloaded your font, it needs to be placed in a special folder: ./apps/client/public/fonts.


If the ./apps/client/public/fonts folder does not exist yet, you can create it. Once created, place your font in the ./apps/client/public/fonts folder.

3. Add required CSS to use the font

We must now edit some code to include this font in the client. Open the file: apps/client/src/styles/fonts.scss.

Now add the following to the file:

@font-face {
font-family: "MyFontNameHere";
src: url("../../public/fonts/MyFontNameHere.woff2");
font-display: swap;

Once you've added the font-face to the file, we must now update the old font name to the new font name. Search for:

.leaflet-container {
font-family: "Assistant", sans-serif;

and Replace with:

.leaflet-container {
font-family: "MyFontNameHere", sans-serif;

4. Rebuild your SnailyCAD instance

If you are running SnailyCAD standalone, you can run the following command to rebuild the client:

pnpm run build

5. Start your SnailyCAD instance

If you are running SnailyCAD standalone, you can run the following command to start SnailyCAD:

pnpm run start

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