Public API Usage
SnailyCADv4 allows you to create scripts that can communicate with to it. You'll find out how below.
Creating the token
Firstly, we must create the token. Head over to the cad-settings page and open the Api Token
Once there, it will allow you to enable Public API Access and generate a token.
Once you've generated a token you can copy it.
Make sure to not share this token with anyone. If this token gets leaked make sure to re-generate it ASAP.
Using the token
When making a script that communicates to the CAD, you can add the token in the headers of the request.
Since version 1.0.0-beta.54
, there is Swagger UI documentation that can be found at: http://MY_CAD_API_URL/api-docs
JavaScript Example
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
// get the token from `server.cfg`
const token = GetConvar("snailycad_v4_api_token");
const apiUrl = GetConvar("snailycad_v4_api_url");
// this must be: "snaily-cad-api-token"
const API_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME = "snaily-cad-api-token";
const USER_API_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME = "snaily-cad-user-api-token";
// send a request with the global CAD's API Token
async function getValuesFromCAD() {
// get all the vehicles, weapons, genders and ethnicities
const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}/admin/values/vehicle?paths=weapon,gender,ethnicity`, {
headers: {
// send the token via headers.
const json = response.ok && (await response.json());
if (json) {
console.log("data from API: ", { json });
// send a request with the user's API token.
// Note: only available from version 1.0.0-beta.89
async function getMyCitizens() {
// get all the citizens of the authenticated user
const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}/citizen`, {
headers: {
// send the token via headers.
[USER_API_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME]: "user api token",
const json = response.ok && (await response.json());
if (json) {
console.log("data from API: ", { json });
LUA Example
local API_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME = "snaily-cad-api-token"
API_URL .. "admin/values/vehicle?paths=weapon,gender,ethnicity",
function(errorCode, resultData, resultHeaders)
print("Returned error code:" .. tostring(errorCode))
print("Returned data:" .. tostring(resultData))
print("Returned result Headers:" .. tostring(resultHeaders))
["Content-Type"] = "application/json"