This release includes many improvements to loading data. You'll see some improvements to table loading UI and more bug fixes. Please update at your earliest convenience.
Multiple Business Owners (admin-only)
Admins are able to select multiple owners for a businesses. This means they can move the business to a different citizen.
More Business Permissions
You can now select more permissions for an employee including: Can Manage Employees and Can Manage Vehicles
Incident Pruning
Incidents can now be pruned. A user must have the Prune Leo Incidents or Prune Ems Fd Incidents permission.
Declare Dead Permission
There is a new permission that is disabled by default for a user: Declare Citizen Dead. When a user has this permission and are an officer/EMS/FD/Dispatch, they can declare a citizen as dead/deceased.
PS: Back from vacation, I'll be working on the next release soon.