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This guide explains how to setup SnailyCADv4 with an automated installer process


All the items listed below are required to get the CAD up and running smoothly.

Getting Started

Once you've got all the items installed, we can get started with installing SnailyCADv4. Open the Command Prompt on Windows or the Terminal on Linux.

Now run the commands seen bellow. This will automatically run the commands of the Standalone installation and will ask questions where needed.

curl is supported on all operating systems.

curl > autoinstaller.mjs

node autoinstaller.mjs

Filling environment questions (.env file)


WARNING: Please, do not edit apps/client/.env or apps/api/.env directly. Always edit the root .env file.

When changing something in the .env file after the installation process, make sure to run the following steps:

  1. node scripts/copy-env.mjs --client --api
  2. pnpm turbo run build --filter=@snailycad/client

Read more here

  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password to the PostgreSQL database.
  • POSTGRES_USER: The username to the PostgreSQL database.
  • DB_HOST: The database host. Most likely localhost
  • DB_PORT: The port to the database.
  • POSTGRES_DB: The database name.
  • JWT_SECRET: This is a random value to keep the CAD secured.
  • CORS_ORIGIN_URL: The URL/IP to where the CAD is hosted at, e.g., or
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_URL: The URL/IP to where the CAD is hosted at. e.g.: or
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_PROD_ORIGIN: The URL/IP to where the API is hosted at (/v1 is required.). e.g.: or
  • PORT_API: The port where the API should run on. (Default 8080)
  • PORT_CLIENT: The port where the client should run on. (Default: 3000)
  • ENCRYPTION_TOKEN: Used to generate encrypted values. Must be 32 characters long
  • DATABASE_URL: Do not change unless you know what you're doing!

Please take a few minutes and read the in-depth guide for each environment variable here.

Starting SnailyCAD

After completing all the steps above, we are ready to startup the CAD. To do this run the following command:

pnpm run start

To run SnailyCADv4 in the background, you can use PM2 instead of the command above.

6. Accessing SnailyCADv4

Port forwarding

The ports set for the client and API must be forwarded in your firewall if you're not using some proxy.

Default ports:

  • Client port: 3000
  • API port: 8080
  • Proxy ports: 443 and 80

You cannot use localhost to access SnailyCADv4. It will not work!

By default, you can access SnailyCADv4 via a web browser on your LAN IP and the PORT_CLIENT, example: However, if you want to access SnailyCADv4 via a domain, you must setup a reverse proxy. We have guides for NGINX, an Apache Guide can be found here.

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